It is no
secret that libraries all across the United States are suffering financially,
some more so than others. This situation has forced us to consider new ways of
functioning. The bottom line is librarians are being asked to maintain current
levels of service with less. Librarians are creative and there have been many
innovative ideas implemented to ease the burden. We have had to step out of our
“traditional” roles to learn and do the jobs encompassed in the library (see “The
Multi-Tasking Librarian” February 13, 2012). I think, for the most part, we
are willing to do what is necessary to ensure free and unfettered access to the
information we provide.
I am always
open and welcome new ideas that will help sustain and advance library service.
But I cannot imagine a situation that would allow libraries to begin charging
for information. When the technology revolution gained momentum, it readily
became obvious that another dichotomy in society was forming, the “digital
divide.” While the digital divide still exists, it was mitigated when libraries
made technology available to the public. For those idealistic librarians, such
as myself, we hope to end illiteracy and the digital divide (Ok, maybe not end
but we certainly want to make a dent!). We recognize that the public we serve
come from all walks of life and from a variety of economic situations. We serve
the rich and the poor, from the homeless to college students and everyone in
between. So, to begin charging for information, we will be adding to the divide
and disenfranchising a significant portion of those we serve.
I will close
with a quote from The Federalist Papers
that is attributed to Alexander Hamilton: “the wealth of nations depends upon
an infinite variety of causes.” Among these are the “genius of the citizens
[and] the degree of information they possess”
[emphasis mine].